Changing Old Patterns To Allow New Choices

Testimonials for Nancy

A Good Divorce

"We were headed for divorce. Our work didn't heal the marriage (I don't think anything could have done that), but it did keep us from having a bitter nasty divorce. Nancy helped us get past some of the hurts so that we could understand what happened. We actually started to forgive each other (although we still have a ways to go). We have two wonderful children, and we didn't want to hurt them. Nancy helped us keep their needs as our priority and not to put them in the middle. We appreciated that Nancy was able to give each of us support and understanding without taking sides. I think we will be able to communicate about the children and be a good parenting team. Thank you. "

Jim K., Eugene, OR
Dealing with Abuse

"I've worked with many people to heal from my childhood abuse. But working with Nancy Mac has helped me more than my previous work. Not only did she help me see more about my family patterns, but she taught me new ways to stay grounded and not get so triggered when certain things happened. The new tools I have are helping me set clearer boundaries. I'm trusting myself and other people much more. I can even be around my family and know that I can handle it well. "

Pat C., Eugene, OR
Drifting Apart

"My partner and I have been together for nine, almost ten years. Our relationship wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't great. We were drifting apart. And that's not what we wanted. We decided to look for someone who could help us reconnect. A friend strongly recommended Nancy Mac. It was also important to find someone who would work with us, as a lesbian couple, with respect and understanding. Nancy helped us deepen our relationship. We started to redefine our relationship goals and remember why we wanted to be together. We have new ways of keeping our connection fresh and strong."

W.R & J.B., Eugene, OR
Fear of Flying

"I have not been able to fly for over 15 years. I had a very important wedding to attend on the east coast and I didn't know how I was going to get there. This was giving me enormous anxiety. After 3 sessions, I flew to Virginia, attended the wedding and had a wonderful time. Thank you. "

Sandra O., Roseburg, OR
Finally Quit Smoking

"I finally quit smoking. I was one of those people who tried to quit smoking many times. Using pure determination and willpower, I managed to quit for a month or so each time. But I always started up again. Then I heard about Drew Barrymore and Matt Damon using hypnosis to quit smoking for good. I figured it was worth a try. I called Nancy Mac and set up an appointment. It was amazing and easier than I thought was possible. I've been a non-smoker for more than a year now, going strong. Now if only hypnosis could help me look like Matt Damon."

Gary W., Springfield, OR
Freedom from Tobacco

"I had one session with Nancy. She listened to my “issues” with tobacco including all my associations, values, and attachments intently. She then personalized the suggestions during the session to integrate what I shared. It was positive and provided me visuals and references to draw on when I felt those urges. I added my own strategies too, breathing and a way to count days/months of success. I really feel the hypnosis brought my mind back to my core values around health and well being. I have not smoked again! It’s been a year. I’m done. thanks!!!!!"

Jane Farrell - U of O, Eugene, OR
Learning to Deal with Conflict

"Nancy, I wanted to write and thank you for your help. As you know, my husband and I were fighting all the time. We never seemed to settle any arguments and we never let go of old fights. It wasn't looking pretty. Both of us were angry, hurt and discouraged. Working with you, we learned how to argue without all the name-calling and sarcasm. We can listen to each other and try to understand the other person's point of view. Now we know that the problem wasn't the subject we were arguing about, but it was the style of how we fought. We still have our disagreements and we're both still stubborn. But it is way better than before and we're enjoying each other much more. Thank you."

K. M and D. M., Cottage Grove, Oregon
Public Speaking - Yikes!

"I had to give a speech in front of about 100 people. I was so scared that I was making myself sick. I felt strange making that phone call about hypnotherapy, but Nancy put me at ease right away. And the next week I was able to give my speech! "

Sandy M., UO, Eugene, OR
Relationship Changes

"My husband and I went to see Nancy. We are a young married couple with a few issues. My husband was never willing to listen to me. And maybe I wasn't perfect either. Nancy worked with us in several ways. We talked about our expectations and needs. We learned to talk more respectfully. Nancy also used hypnosis with us to help us strengthen our heart connection and be able to give and receive more love. After four sessions, my husband started treating me different. He helps with the house chores and shows me more affection. Nancy rules. "

Angela and Peter, Eugene, OR
Self Esteem

" I could see that my low self-esteem was causing many problems for me in lots of areas. Nancy helped me so many ways. I feel so much more relaxed and confident. I learned to take better care of myself, and to treat myself with kindness (instead of being down on myself all the time). I like Nancy's style of helping me understand myself better and learning to do things differently. I'm relating to people at work differently, and I'm finally feeling confident to make new friends."

Ann T., Junction City, OR

"I made an appointment with Nancy to stop smoking. I did four hypnosis sessions with her and completely stopped. Each session left me completely relaxed and energized. I continue to see Nancy every week to work on other things I need to deal with."

John B., Salem, OR
Stress and Relaxation

"I am a mother of 3 and work half-time. At times I feel like I am going nuts. I go to Nancy for stress relief and relaxation. Her hypnotherapy sessions greatly help me. I record our sessions and listen to her every night, along with seeing her weekly. I am now able to cope with my life. I'm a better mother and I take better care of myself."

Erica P., Coburg, OR
Writers' Block

"My name is Elena, and I am currently writing a master's thesis for the International Studies Program. I was born in the United States, but I come from Bolivia. I called Nancy because I could not find my voice to write this thesis and I felt stuck and had writer's block. I had written a lot, but was increasingly dissatisfied with what I wrote, it didn't feel right. Her voice gently guided me to start relaxing my mind and my body together. I felt, as she had told me beforehand, neither fully asleep nor awake, but rather in a sort of hovering place in between. In the beginning I felt more alert and aware of my body on the chair. But afterwards I was very absorbed in what I was seeing or imagining. Nancy asked me to visualize what it was that represented an obstacle for my writing, and I think I just saw dust devils, or smoke swirling. I waited and then I saw a ball of light, very white light coming to me from the mountains right shoulder. Nancy asked what the message was then, and I said I do it for the people. Nancy asked how I was going to approach my writing, and I remember saying, what I wrote before is in the past. Now I have to start from scratch, with my own voice". I didn't want to come out of that powerful embrace, where I felt strong and light, connected from above and from below and to the people. I remember it took a real effort to start moving my hands, my feet, and to come out of that intense place. I walked out, feeling a trembling going on inside me. I got into my car, and slowly drove to a high place on the next block, and just sat there, looking at the top of Spencer's Butte, at the trees encircled with fog, amid a blue sky, until I felt I could go home. I felt very calm and strong. I think it was the most powerful experience of my life. No magic and I still have to write that thesis. But I feel more able to just sit down and do it. I don't think I could have moved a hair from where I was without the hypnosis session. It was so liberating. Like having tons of rock removed. I didn't feel that vise of anxiety around my chest any more. And when I felt stuck-ness starting to happen again, I did as you said, I tried to go to that same place again, and that did it. I have been writing almost every day, and am on chapter VI of VIII. Thanks so much. "

Elena M., Eugene, OR