19 December 2021

Hypnosis for Surgery

Hypnosis has been shown to have significant positive results for preparing for surgery and for speeding post-surgery recovery.
Many research studies have shown this to be true
Both of us (Shoshanah and Nancy) can personally attest to this.

Shoshanah says:
​For anyone that knows me, you have known that I was afraid to have knee replacement surgery. I put it off for years. When it became apparent that I could not put it off any longer I researched what I needed to do.
For a month before surgery, I listened to Guided Meditations on pre and post-surgery. I listened to them between 2 and 3 times a day. I also listened to pain reduction meditations.  I faithfully did all of my exercises, and made sure that I had a good, healthy diet before surgery.
The day of surgery I was nervous. I was afraid of having extreme pain. Nancy Mac was kind enough to sit with me right before surgery. She noticed that my blood pressure was way too high, along with an elevated heart rate. We immediately started doing Hypnosis, me listening to her and focusing on my breathing, slowing everything down. Within minutes everything was normal again.

I had the surgery 4 years ago, it was successful, I continued to listen to Guided Meditation about pain control. I listened at least 4 or 5 times a day. I got through surgery, and recovery without pain. Yes , I took all the medications that I was supposed to take, but for most people that is not enough.
Doing all the Guided Meditation is what got me through.    

Nancy says:  A few weeks ago, I had hip replacement surgery on my right hip.  In preparation, I did a lot of self-hypnosis, as well as listened to CD's on surgery.  I visualized how successful the surgery would be, and imagined being pain-free.  I also "talked" with my right hip - telling it how much I appreciated the decades of supporting me.  I asked it to welcome the new hip socket. 
I imagined welcoming the surgery team, and all the support staff at the hospital.  Giving them permission to take care of me, and appreciating how skilled they all are in their chosen fields. 
My recovery is going very well.  I have been mostly pain-free.  But more importantly, I was anxiety free.

If you are scheduling surgery, or facing significant medical procedures, call us to discuss using hypnosis or guided meditation as part of your preparation and your recovery. 
We will be glad to work with you.  Or if we have enough interest, we would offer a group focused on this. 

Contact Shoshanah Thielle at 541-968-1572.  Contact Nancy Mac at 541-914-8645.